How to add a SCORM package

A step by step guide on how to add a SCORM package to your course.
Written by Tom Jansen op de Haar
Updated 7 months ago

Step-by-step instructions

  1. Click on "Courses" in the sidebar.

  2. Look for the course that contains the SCORM package you want to edit. Click on the "Manage content" button.

  3. In the "Manage course" screen select "Edit content".
  4. Next you can add a label or a SCORM package.
  5. Select "Add SCORM package".
  6. Next you have to give a name (mandatory) and add a description (optional). You can also add the description to the course if it contains useful info for your users.
  7. Now you can add a SCORM package, you can drag and drop the file into it or manually add it by clicking in the box.

  8. After uploading your file, make sure to check all your settings before you scroll to the bottom and hit save. 
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